Call number PA578-001 MW 10:00 - 11:15
PA578-002 MW 01:50 - 03:05
Spring, 2008
Monday-Wednesday 10:00 to 11:15 AM or 1:50 to 3:05 PM
Main Campus- Room
Instructor: Bill Markle cell: 312-953-9225 e-mail:
This course is intended to introduce students to governmental planning and policy making and their impact on the built environment. Using Chicago and nearby municipal areas as examples, the course acquaints students with the basic theories of urban and regional planning and development, and the regulatory tools and techniques used by government to impact the built environment. The course also includes material on housing, environmental protection, brownfields, historic preservation, neo-urbanism and growth management, and various policy making processes that determine governmental policies intended to influence the built environment.
Course requirements:
This course will consist of lectures and discussion. Attendance is highly recommended, since participation is part of the grade for the course.
Students will be required to prepare one paper of 6 to 10 pages in length, on a topic to be arranged with the instructor in advance, and participate in a group planning project. Results from the project will be presented to the rest of the class during the last class period or two. Please note that the customary prohibitions on plagiarism apply. Papers found to have plagiarized segments will result in a grade of "F" for the course.
I would appreciate your participation in tours of development in Chicago, which I will arrange for one of the Friday seminars. At least two more of the Friday seminars will be related to the material of this course- a visit to the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC- or as it is now known, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning- CMAP), and presentations on planning for police, fire, education, and health care, which Scott Peters will arrange. The Friday tours would encompass a visit to a Chicago small business industrial incubator facility, residential real estate projects, public-private partnership projects in Chicago, and a visit with a Chicago non-profit social service agency. I hope to have speakers on various aspects of the course topic, but speaker selections are subject to change.
Grading will be based on the following:
Class participation, quizzes, and midterm exam 25%
Paper 25% Project 25% Final exam 25%
There are no prerequisites
Text is Contemporary Urban Planning, 7th Edition, by John M. Levy (Prentice Hall, 2005) and a set of readings taken from recent journal articles, which should be available on a CD I will provide. Other readings will be assigned and available online or distributed by the instructor. For most (but not all) of the readings provided to you on the CD, I have indicated that they are optional. If you have the time and interest, read these at your leisure. Try to glance at the title and first couple of paragraphs of optional readings, so you know the main idea of the article. These articles are there to give you additional information and to place American planning in the context of American culture, law, and economics. Your answers on exams will be more insightful if you read these articles.
With regard to readings for the course- there are many readings, as you know, and some are complex. Some are academic in nature; most are professional in nature. Some are merely magazine articles or press releases, but these provide you with some useful information. The readings are selected for you to get some understanding of American ways of doing things, or to demonstrate the complexities of real estate and urban issues, or suggest that experts do not all agree.
Please do not worry about reading all articles in great detail, unless it appeals to you. Given the complexity of the subject matter, and the large amount of reading listed for the course, I have marked most of the online readings as optional. I would like you to get the main ideas of each article, not be able to reproduce the arguments. We have too much material to cover to spend six hours a night reading closely. Read the optional readings if you have time and interest, but try to get the main idea of the article even if you do not read it all.
My plan for the course is to provide some background stories in class, some of my experience, and some explanation to complement the readings. I do not expect to discuss the readings in class in any great detail. Please feel free to ask
questions and ask for explanations, but I do not want to spend time analyzing the usefulness of a particular academic argument in class.
Some articles will have a brief explanation at the beginning, or, in the case of articles in .pdf format, a brief explanation may be nearby with the title of the article and ‘”Student Note” in the title. Have fun reading.
Class No. Assignment
Sessions 1 and 2- Chicago Overview
01-23 Syllabus read through; some Chicago history and planning; location,
location, location; timing, timing, timing; railroads; steel; farming
tools; trade; pre fire, post fire- parks, sewers, water supply; 1893
Columbian Exposition; Burnham Plan, density and travel times;
expressways and suburbs; towns without people. Race, TARP, federal
anti-urban policies
01-28 Continuation of 01-23; models of urban politics- city as a growth machine, city as an entertainment machine; the Party and the government; Quiz #1
Required Reading for sessions 1 and 2:
Levy, Chapters 1 through 6. Do not read closely. Get the general
idea. Better to read quickly twice than slowly once.
On the CD provided to you- some links to plans and planning agencies
in the Chicago area- you can learn a great deal by looking at these
web sites on your own.
What is Planning? - notes from the American Planning Association
Optional Reading for sessions 1 and 2:
World Facts Index- Chicago, @
Some Background on the Burnham Plan. David Takesuye, Urban Land
Institute, 2000.
Terry Nichols Clark and Richard Lloyd, The City as an Entertainment Machine. Draft prepared for annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, 2000. Research report #454.
Terry Nichols Clark, editor. Trees and Real Violins: Building Post Industrial Chicago. Summary as prepared by wdm.
Metropolitan Decentralization in Chicago. Chicago Case Study
Working Group, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois.July, 2001.
Manufacturing Industrial Decline: The Politics of Economic Change in
Chicago, 1955-1998. Joel Rast. Journal of Urban Affairs, 23:2,
(2001) pages 175-190.
Session 3- Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies and
01-30 Background on government levels and branches pertinent to
planning and land use, including a brief introduction to federal
government agencies whose policies affect local land use.
Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation,
Environmental Protection Agency, Economic Development
Administration; some Illinois and Chicago web sites
Keep in mind that China has what we call a unitary government- all
power ultimately comes from Beijing. The US has a federal system of
government- states are (to some extent, in some ways) independent
of the federal government in Washington, D.C. Federal agency
regulations generally have the force of law, and generally are binding
on states and local governments (environmental laws, highway design
standards, definitions of people eligible for housing assistance). But
federal agency grant programs- grants that provide funding for
planning, infrastructure, transportation, and housing- are generally
discretionary on the part of the federal government. There is nothing
in the US Constitution that requires the federal government to assist
states or local governments with infrastructure or planning or housing.
Local governments have the most control over local land use. But local
government derive a large share of their income from taxes that are
related to real estate (property taxes, sales taxes), and the pressure
from citizens to keep taxes low is very high. Mayors, governors, and
legislators lose their jobs if they don’t appear to make efforts to keep
taxes low or reduce them. The pressure is so high that, in a curious
way, US local governments are much more dependent on the federal
government for regulations and infrastructure financing than local
governments are dependent on Beijing in China. In the US, it seems,
local independence and tax opposition has led to local dependence on
Washington, D.C. for big projects.
Required Reading:
Summary of Notable Federal Housing Programs and Initiatives.
Northeast- Midwest Institute, 2006
Summary of Notable Federal Infrastructure Programs and Initiatives for
Water and Transportation. Northeast- Midwest Institute, 2006
Summary of Notable Federal Brownfield and Vacant Property Programs
and Initiatives. Northeast- Midwest Institute, 2006
Optional Reading:
On the CD are some descriptions of federal government agencies,
showing subagencies and administrations within each agency. Read
these only if you are interested.
US Department of Transportation, from US Government Manual
(description of the US DOT administrations and functional agencies)
Also- Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Commerce,
Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Treasury, Agriculture,
National Science Foundation, Farm Credit Agency, and Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
Important Federal Legislation Relating to Urban Transportation
Interstate Highway General Information (US DOT, FHWA)
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Programs (US DOT, FTA)
Also- the State of Illinois Transportation Plan
Web sites for Illinois and City of Chicago departments
Sessions 4, 5, and 6- Markets, Market Failure, Limitations on
Government Planning in the US
Required Reading: Levy, Chapters 5 and 6.
Chapter 1 of The Mystery of Capital- Why Capitalism Triumphs in the
West and Fails Everywhere Else, by Hernando de Soto, @ A short Chinese language
version is also available.
The planning function in the US is almost completely concerned with
physical planning for land use, and planning of most any kind
(including environmental, water resources, and economic) is seldom
performed at a scale greater than that of the region- meaning a small
group of counties.
What is called planning at the level of the state, multistate
region, or federal level is most often simply a compilation of plans
derived from lower levels, or the plan consists of goals and policies
which still depend on local actions to be implemented.
Planning for other than land use- health, health care, social services,
schooling, environmental concerns, economic development- cannot be
said to be done in any meaningful way. There is no federal
government planning for economic development,
industrial development, rural development, science policy,
technology policy, or for investment of any sort. You may find
articles that talk about planning for these areas of interest, but such
articles are really proposals for future action from interested groups,
projections of need from the government, or present a case for
needed government spending. The links between plans and
implementation are very weak, unless accompanied by federal
government regulations. There are policy plans- either
proposals or actual government plans- that contain policy statements,
but without the ability to change local land use, and with levels of
government that are independent of each other, policy plans often do
not mean much. Policies generally affect internal government
administrative actions, rather than private land use. Government
regulations, however, can and do affect private land use, especially
with regard to environmental laws. Policy statements that are not in
the form of government regulations are not law, just proposals.
02-04 Markets in real estate; changing preferences over time; niche markets
and niche developers. Dominant trends- developers, users, investors
02-06 Market failure and government failure- externalities, lack of perfect
neoclassical free market conditions, lumpiness, long run and short
run; competition between governments, lack of uniformity in law,
knowledge asymmetry problems; low income housing and festival
marketplaces as examples of government distortion of markets
The concept of private property in real estate is fundamental to all
considerations of planning, economic development, and public policy
in the US.
One can view nearly all planning conflicts in the US- and many larger
public policy questions as well- as conflict over the continuing
balancing act between the private right to do with property what one
wishes, and the desire and need for the public to have some influence
over that right. What is the corresponding Chinese conflict?
How local governments make their money- and why local
government interests are similar to those of real estate developers.
02-11 Appraisal of property value
What influences market values for real estate
Real estate markets are lumpy, and do not approximate theoretical
free market conditions. Externalities are very important in real
The concept of value in real estate- appraisal and income valuation
Sessions 7, 8 and 9- Major Planning Tools at the Municipal (Local
Government) Level
Required Reading: Levy, Chapter 8 (The Comprehensive Plan) and
Chapter 9 (Tools of Land Use Planning)
Optional Reading:
Comprehensive Planning Fundamentals. Mike Koles. University of
Wisconsin Extension. 2001.
Planning 1-2-3. Metropolitan Mayors' Caucus, 2006.
The Planning Commissioner's Book, Parts 1-4. California Governor's
Office of Planning and Research. No date.
Zoning and the Comprehensive Plan. James A. Coon Local
Government Technical Series. New York State Department of State,
December, 1999.
Eight Illinois Supreme Court Zoning Decisions.
Transportation Planning Resource Guide. Wisconsin Department of
Transportation. March, 2001.
Evaluating Plan Implementation. Lucie Laurian, Maxine Day,
Journal of the American Planning Association (70,4) Autumn, 2004.
CDOT: Chicago's Transportation Infrastructure Manager. Joan Berry,
Northwestern University. March 4, 1996. A good description of
transportation planning and implementation in Chicago.
Brett Baden and Don Coursey, An Examination of the Effects of Impact Fees on Chicago’s Suburbs. Heartland Institute, 1998.
Market-Oriented Planning: Principles and Tools for the 21st Century.
Samuel R. Staley and Lynn Scarlett. Planning and Markets, 5:1 (1999).
Market-Oriented Land-Use Planning: A Conceptual Note. Hans Lind.
Planning and Markets, 5:1 (1999). @
02-13 Quiz #2; Four things government can do with real estate. Preparation of a comprehensive plan. Elements of a plan. What is in the plan and not in the plan. When you look at comprehensive plans, either at the municipal or regional level, please note what is not included- any mention of land use economics, or housing prices, or land use capacity.
02-18 Zoning
Note- there really are no physical planning tools at the state level.
With the exception of some environmental regulations and some
housing related laws, all zoning and land use decisions in the US are
made by local (municipal) governments.
02-20 Other tools- subdivision regulations, site plan review, how individuals
and community organizations and elected
representatives (aldermen, in Chicago) affect the development
process. The concepts of eminent domain and taking.
Local financing for local projects – TIF and bonds and federal grants
Session 10, 11 and 12- Neighborhood Planning
Required Reading: Levy, Chapters 10 (Urban Design), 11
(Urban Renewal and Community Development), and
13 (Economic Development Planning)
WDM notes on community development
Please look at the Chicago Department of Planning web site
"Rogers Park neighbors oppose Devon/Rockwell project." By Angela
Caputo. Pioneer Press online News Star (March 22, 2006)
Also, the follow up article from October of 2007.
Optional Readings:
Taken for Granted. Casey Sanchez. The Chicago Reporter (September-
October, 2005), @
Disconnect in the Hollow State: The Pivotal Role of Organizational
Capacity in Community Based Development Organizations. Patricia
Fredericksen and Roseanne London. Public Administration Review, (60:3)
May June 2000.
Is There a Dark Side to Government Support for Nonprofits? Arthur C.
Brooks. Public Administration Review, (60:3) May June 2000.
Xi Zhang. Comparison Between American and Chinese Community Building. Prepared for course in Urban and Regional Development Process, Illinois Institute of Technology, Spring, 2004. @
Howard Husock. "Don't Let CDCs Fool You." City Journal, Summer 2001 | Vol. No. 3
Alan Ehrenhalt. "Community and the Corner Store." The Communitarian Network, @
Arthur Evenchik. "the local initiatives support corporation." Civnet Journal, october-december 1997 ï vol. 1, no. 4 @
Jane Shull. "The Case for Community Development." ( 1977) from Institute for Civic Values website, @
Yuan Ren. NGOs, Public Participation and Urban Community Development:
Social Reform in Local Urban Governance in China, OPTIONAL @
Federal Policy Ideas for Community Revitalization. Matt Kane, Charlie
Bartsch, and Barbara Wells. Northeast-Midwest Institute. April, 2006.
02-25 Quiz #3; Concept of a neighborhood plan, planning by whom for
whom, role of community organizations; special districts and SSA.
Please look at the City of Chicago Department of Planning web site -
Look at one of the community plans featured on this site. Please
note what is not included on this web site- any mention of
economics, or capacity of the land as zoned, or any relationship
between the capacity of retail uses to serve the nearby residential
population and their incomes.
02-26 Dealing with community groups and neighborhood issues; who
represents the
community; organizational structures and boards of directors; concept of turf and public involvement; community based and welfare based. Examples of good and bad ways of involving groups in project definition and evaluation (CTA Howard Street El Station, Park District Lincoln Park Plan, etc.) Public participation models- ward congress, informal neighborhood group approvals; parking, on and off street; what happens when people can't pay their taxes?; abandoned properties and government rights and duties; how interests of government, community, and developer are similar and different; ways of bringing about change
Also- in preparation for the presentation on Friday, January 29 by Jim Ford, review of some Chicago area regional planning agency names and acronyms-
NIPC, CATS, CMAP, MWRD, RTA, Pace, CTA, Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus, MPC, Civic Federation, Metropolis 2020, IDOT, Commercial Club
03-03 Community control of the community; radical planning; unintended
consequences. TIF and municipal bond introduction- public financing
Note: Presentation on Friday, February 29, by Jim Ford, former director of the
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC), now the Chicago
Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Jim will tell you everything there is
to know about regional planning in the US.
Session 13- Questions and Comments; Introduction of Course Project
Quiz #4 and
Major Team Assignment:
The project is a team assignment, requiring students to provide recommended planning processes and a general development plan for an area near the campus. Time to work in teams will be provided with instructor assistance available on several Friday mornings. Product required includes written planning process recommendation and written proposal to guide the development in the selected area. Papers will be due the third week in April and the last class or two will be devoted to presentations.
Please note: Bus tour on Friday, March 7. Theme is industrial development in Chicago the past and future. This is a tour of the south side of Chicago and one or two incubator projects.
Session 14- Midterm Exam
Note- spring break 03-17 through 03-22 no class this week; St. Patrick’s Day is 03-17- check on date for parade downtown
Sessions 15, 16, and 17- Regional Planning
Required Reading: Levy, Chapters 12 (Transportation Planning), 13
(Economic Development Planning), and 16 (Planning for Metropolitan
Following are sections from the approved regional plan and from a
privately prepared regional plan. Please look at these, without reading
them in detail.
2040 Regional Framework Plan. Chapters 5 and 7. Northeastern
Illinois Planning Commisison, 2005. This is the approved regional
plan for the northeastern Illinois region.
Common Ground- Preview of the 2040 Regional Framework Plan.
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, October, 2004.
Chicago Metropolis 2020: Preparing Metropolitan Chicago for the
21st Century. Elmer Johnson. The Commercial Club of Chicago,
January, 1999.
2020 Community Life Report. The Commercial Club of Chicago (no
date). This is a background report prepared as part of the Chicago
2020 plan.
Dreams, Plans, and Reality: A Critique of Chicago Metropolis 2020.
Edwin S. Mills. Heartland Institute, Heartland Policy Study No. 97,
February 1, 2002.
Bonnie Lindstrom, "Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Growth: A Study of Nine Councils of Government in the Northeastern Illinois Region." UIC Great Cities Institute Working Papers, November 1997. @
scroll to paper from this site
Optional Readings: (You really should look at some of these)
Chicago Metropolitics: A Regional Agenda for Members of the US
Congress, by Myron Orfield. A Report to the Brookings Institution,
February, 1998.
The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process: Key Issues- A Briefing
Notebook for Transportation Decision-makers, Officials, and Staff. A joint
publication of the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit
Administration of the US Department of Transportation, @
The above article is a very good description of the metropolitan
transportation planning process throughout the US, including public
participation, modeling, and the relationship of transportation planning to
federal funding of projects and other regional planning.
Shared Path 2030- The Regional Transportation Plan for Northeastern
Illinois. Chicago Area Transportation Study (updated occasionally) @
The above article is the approved transportation plan for northeastern
Illinois. Note that it was not part of the accepted plan by NIPC. Now that
NIPC and CATS are combined in one agency, it is possible to do actual
comprehensive planning.
For those of you who are interested, I have additional materials on
population forecasting models and transportation planning models, and on
more specific areas of planning, such as air quality, wastewater, water
supply, solid waste disposal, and river quality. Ask me about this material if
you wish.
03-12 Role of regional planning in the US; what regional planning means; lack
of relationship between local plans and regional plans; functional and
comprehensive plans; turf wars. Regional planning reflects both federal
regulations and local desires.
planning as a public and private activity- Metropolis 2020 and the NIPC
plan; who funds planning
03-24 forecasts of population, households, jobs, and the economy
03-26 The transportation planning process; multi-state planning
Please note: Bus tour on Friday, March 28. Real estate projects and the Rogers Park Community Council, a non-profit community organization that is also a social service agency for the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago.
Sessions 18 and 19- Brownfields, Environmental Protection, and
03-31 Quiz #5; What are brownfields? How can we return them to
productive use? What government funds are available?
04-02 Some market and non-market based approaches to environmental
protection and energy conservation.
Required Readings: Levy, Chapter 15 (Energy and Environmental
Optional Readings:
If you are interested in this topic, the articles below will be useful.
Brownfields Redevelopment. International Economic Development
Council. Chapters 1-7. You may skim this entire report. (no date-
approximately 2003), @
Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses. US Environmental Protection
Agency, September, 2000. This is a long document. Skim as you wish.
Lessons from the American Experiment with Market-Based Environmental
Policies. Robert Stavins. Harvard Kennedy School of Government Working
Paper Series, April, 2002.
Creating Markets for Ecosystem Services. Greg Murtough, et. al. Australia
Productivity Commission, Canberra, 2002.
Integration of Planning and NEPA Processes. Federal Highway Administration
and Federal Transit Administration. Internal Memorandum. February 22,
The Chicago Climate Exchange. Michael Walsh, Environmental Financial
Products, LLC, 2002.
Capital Pollution Solution? Jeff Goodell, New York Times (July 30, 2006).
David Gelernter. "The Immorality of Environmentalism." City Journal. Autumn 1996
Vol. 6, No. 4, @
"City Approves 'Carbon Tax' in Effort to Reduce Gas Emissions." Katie Kelley.
November 18, 2006. New York Times Online @
Session 20- Preservation- Areas, Landmarks, and Old Buildings
04-07 Historic preservation has become almost as sacred as the right of
developers to demolish old buildings. In addition, the rehabilitation
of old buildings for new uses has been critical to the redevelopment
of cities. How does the federal government assist?
Readings: Levy- nothing
Please read or review some of the following readings:
National Trust for Historic Preservation 2005 Annual Report. National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
Glossary of preservation related terms. National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits. National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
Main Street Program. National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC). National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
State Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation. National Trust for Historic Preservation web site.
Preservationists in Chicago Fear Losing Ground to Condos. Libby Sander. New York Times, November 7, 2006, @
Session 21 and 22- Neo-Urbanism, Growth Management, and the
Return to the Cities
04-09 Quiz #6; Discusses public and professional reaction to the low
04-14 density urban development that has occurred in the U.S. during the period of the 20th century after World War II (sprawl) and the newer theory and practices designed to increase urban densities and avoid sprawl. Why are people returning to Chicago and New York and Boston?
Required Readings:
Levy, Chapter 14 (Growth Management Planning)
Optional Readings:
Containment Policies for Urban Sprawl. M. Mason
Gaffney. From Approaches to the Study of Urbanization.
Governmental Research Center, University of Kansas, 1964.
Connecting the Dots. Remarks by Richard Benner. 1000 Friends of
Oregon, 2002 Conference, December 7, 2002.
Attitudes Toward Growth Management in Florida. Timothy Chapin
and Charles Connerly. Journal of the American Planning Association,
70:4 (Autumn, 2004)
The Successful Few. Pierre Filion, Heidi Hoernig, Trudi Bunting, and
Gary Sands. Journal of the American Planning Association,
70:3 (Summer, 2004)
New Urbanism in the Central City: A Case Study of Pittsburgh.
Sabrina Deitrick and Cliff Ellis. Journal of the American Planning
Association, 70:4 (Autumn, 2004)
Urban Containment and Central City Revitalization. Arthur Nelson,
et. al. Journal of the American Planning Association (70:4) Autumn,
Is Urban Planning "Creeping Socialism?" Randal O'Toole. The
Independent Review, IV:4 (Spring, 2000).
Downtown Revitalization in Urban Neighborhoods and Small Cities.
Barbara Wells. Northeast-Midwest Institute. (no date).
Governors' Smart Growth Initiatives. Barbara Wells. Northeast-
Midwest Institute. July, 2001.
Smart Growth and the Clean Water Act. James L. Mcelfish and
Susan Casey-Lefkowitz. Northeast-Midwest Institute, 2001.
Smart Growth and the Clean Air Act. Curtis Moore. Northeast-
Midwest Institute, 2001.
This Land is Our Land: A Call to Arms for State and Federal Policy
Reform. Bruce Katz. Northeast-Midwest Institute. March 9, 2005.
Comment: Where the Oregon Trail Meets the Silk Road: Why China's
Path to Sustainability Should Bypass Oregon. Samuel A.
Rodabough. Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal. January, 2004.
Sessions 23, 24, and 25- Housing Markets, including Condominiums
The next three sessions will discuss housing in the US,
focusing particularly on low income housing as supported by the
federal government. A presentation by Rick Gentry of the
National Equity Fund is tentatively scheduled for Friday, April
18. The National Equity Fund is a syndicator of low income federal
income tax credits, which are sold to large private corporations in
exchange for money to invest in low income housing projects.
4-16 Introduction to low income housing in the US; distinction between public
housing, low income housing tax credit projects, section 8 housing, and
other local plans
04-21 Housing markets generally; cyclical nature, relation to interest rates, developers as herd animals; funding sources for bigger projects
04-23 Secondary financing markets and the current crisis in housing in the US
Required Readings: (for next three sessions)
Levy, Chapter 7 (Social Issues)
Summary of Notable Federal Housing Programs and Initiatives. Northeast Midwest
Institute. 2006.
Optional Readings: (You really should look at some of these)
The Evolution of Low Income Housing Policy, 1949-1999. Charles Orlebeke.
Housing Policy Debate, 11,2. Fannie Mae Foundation, 2000. @
Obstacles to Regional Housing Solutions: A Comparison of Four Metropolitan
Areas. Victoria Basolo and Dorian Hastings. Journal of Urban Affairs, (25, 4)
Homes for a Changing Region. Chicago Metropolis 2020 and the Metropolitan
Mayors Caucus, September, 2005.
Recommendations for Developing Attainable Workforce Housing in the
Chicago Region. Metropolis 2020, Summer, 2002.
Present Realities, Future Prospects: Chicago's Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Portfolio. Summary Report 2002. Chicago Rehab Network.
Affordable Housing in the Chicago Region: Perspectives and Strategies.
Roosevelt University Institute for Metropolitan Affairs and Loyola University
Center for Urban Research and Learning, 2003.
2003 Advocates Guide to Housing and Community Development Policy.
National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2003.
Introduction to the Housing Voucher Program. Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities. July 6, 2007.
Affordable Housing: The Suburban Solution. Andrew Rice. New York Times,
March 5, 2006.
" We Don't Need Subsidized Housing." Howard Husock. City Journal, VII, 1
(Winter, 1997), @
The State of the Nation's Housing- 2002. Joint Center for Housing Studies of
Harvard University, 2002.
The Cost Effectiveness of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Relative to
Vouchers: Evidence from Six Metropolitan Areas. Lan Deng, Housing Policy
Debate, Fannie Mae Foundation, (XVI, 3/4) 1999.
Housing in the 21st Century. Urban Land Institute and Center for Housing Policy.
March, 1999.
Session 26- Project Work
04-28 You should have done some significant work on projects
by this time. Class time will be used for questions, advice,
Session 27- Class Project Work and Where Does Public Policy Come
04-30 Quiz #7; Some review- in the US, how does public policy get
made? Who makes public policy- Congress? The President?
executive branch agencies? States? The "people"? Tools of
government, implementation, negotiation, power, and decision-
making individually and in groups.
Readings: The New Governance and the Tools of Public Action: An
Introduction. (Pages 1-22) by Lester Salamon. Chapter 1 of The
Tools of Government- A Guide to the New Governance, edited by
Lester Salamon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Notes on government branches and policy making
Optional Readings:
Policy Formation- links to think tanks and other non-profit
Public Policy Web notes. Wayne Mayes. Various dates. These notes
are quite simplistic, and not really at graduate level of sophistication.
Nevertheless, they may be useful for some of you who need some
refreshing of your notes from the Policy course. The notes discuss
policy formation, agenda setting, implementation, and evaluation.
There are 20 short readings in this folder.
Power at the Local Level: Growth Coalition Theory. G. William
Domhoff, in Who Rules America? @
The Ford Foundation in the Inner City: Forging an Alliance with
Neighborhood Activists. G. William Domhoff, in Who Rules
America?, @
The Practice of Deliberative Democracy: Results from Four Large
Scale Trials. Edward Weeks. Public Administrative Review, 60:4
(July-August, 2000) OPTIONAL
notes on decision-making (wdm)
Note: Presentation on Friday, May 2, by Peter M. Rub, a CPA (certified public accountant) on housing markets generally- irrational exuberance in US housing prices, secondary markets, and using your house as a credit card.
Session 28- Evaluation
05-05 How do we evaluate public programs? How much evaluation do we
really do?
Required Readings: Notes on policy analysis- Stuart Nagle, University of Illinois
Optional Readings:
Policy Impact, Evaluation, and Change. Chapter 7 in Public
Policymaking, by James E. Anderson. 5th edition. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 2003. Pages 245-276. WDM HANDOUT
Evaluation Linkages: Assessing Implementation Scenarios. Chapter 8 in The Politics of Policy Implementation, by Robert Nakamura and Frank Smallwood. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. WDM HANDOUT
Putting More Public in Policy Analysis. Lawrence C. Walters, James Aydelotte, and Jessica Miller. Public Administration Review (60:4) July-August, 2000.
Seeing Through the Fog: Policymaking with Uncertain Forecasts. Henry J. Aaron. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (19:2) Spring, 2000.
Timothy Bartik and Richard Bingham. “Can Economic Development Programs Be Evaluated?” Upjohn Institute Staff Working Paper 95-29, @ Scroll to paper from this site.
An Assessment of the Costs, Benefits, and Overall Impacts of the State of Ohio's Economic Development Programs. Final Report. May 28, 1999. Urban Center, Cleveland State University. This is a very long report, which you may skim as you wish.
Community Development Block Grant, HUD Self Assessment.
HUD Budget for 2005.
A Brief Guide for Performance Measurement in Local Government.
National Center for Public Productivity, @
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook. Kellogg Foundation, January 1998.
US EPA External Evaluation Links
Evaluation Games: The Political Dimension in Evaluation and Accountability Relationships. Vic Murray, School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, Canada.
Types of Evaluation: Choosing the Right One for You. Vic Murray, School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, Canada.
Measuring Public Policy: The Case of Beer Keg Registration Laws. Alexander Wagenaar, Eileen Harwood, Cindy Silanoff, and Traci Toomey. Evaluation and Program Planning, 28 (2005).
The Management Performance of US States. David King, Richard Zeckhauser, and Mark Kim. Harvard University Faculty Research Working Paper Series. July, 2004.
Session 29- Project Presentations
Final Exam
05-12 or 05-14 (see schedule)
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