call number PA577-077 MW 11:25-12:40
PA 577-077
Monday-Wednesday 11:25 to 12:40 PM
Instructor- Bill Markle cell: 312-953-9225 e-mail:
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of real estate and economic development processes, public and private, for public administrators. An understanding of development and real estate is important not just for planners and engineers. Real estate is also the focus of much social policy and police work. Police officers involved in community policing now must know something about getting buildings torn down. Social workers and educators find their work influenced greatly by the physical conditions in which people live. Obviously, engineers, agency administrators, and planners deal with real estate issues every day.
The course will provide an introduction to public and private elements of development, including government influence at the federal, state, regional, and local levels; dealing with community groups and developers; and the means by which local governments can influence what gets built and what does not. There will be some discussion of real estate finance, but this is not the focus of the course. Given the presence of our honored guests from China, we will discuss issues of economics and globalization not normally covered in this course.
This course consists of two parts. Part A, sessions 1 through 9, are about real estate and real estate development. Part B, sessions 10 through 28, are about development, broadly construed.
This is a synthesis course, in the sense that you should start putting together some of the ideas from the earlier core courses. We will draw on public finance, introduction to public administration, and other courses in our discussions.
Students will be required to prepare one paper of 18 pages in length, or one 12 page and one 6 page paper, or three papers of six pages in length, on a topic to be arranged with the instructor in advance. Papers will be presented to the rest of the class during the last class period or two. In your paper, please write for your fellow students. Tell them what they need to know of your topic. Please note that the customary prohibitions on plagiarism apply. Papers found to have plagiarized segments will result in a grade of "F" for the course.
I would appreciate your participation in tours of development in Chicago, which I hope to arrange. The tours would encompass a visit to a Chicago small business industrial incubator facility, residential real estate projects, public-private partnership projects in Chicago, and visit with a Chicago non-profit social service agency staff. I hope to have speakers on various aspects of the course topic, but speaker selections are subject to change.
Text for this course is The Competitive Advantage of Nations, by Michael E. Porter. Porter is the business professor who popularized the concept of industry clusters, and his business oriented approach will contrast nicely with the other government focused economic development articles. Porter's book is national or international in focus, even though much of this course will have a distinctly local or regional focus.
Grading will be based on the following:
Class participation, including quiz results 25% Note- the quiz will always be based on material covered in previous lectures
Midterm exam 25%
Paper 25%
Final exam 25%
There are no prerequisites.
For some readings, I have indicated that they are optional. If you have the time and interest, read these at your leisure. Try to glance at the title and first couple of paragraphs of optional readings, so you know the main idea of the article. The readings are selected for you to get some understanding of American ways of doing things, or to demonstrate the complexities of real estate and urban issues, or suggest that experts do not all agree.
My plan for the course is to provide some background stories in class, some of my experience, and some explanation to complement the readings. I do not expect to discuss the readings in class in any great detail. Please feel free to ask questions and ask for explanations, but I do not want to spend time analyzing the usefulness of a particular academic argument in class.
Some articles will have a brief explanation at the beginning, or, in the case of articles in .pdf format, a brief explanation may be nearby with the title of the article and 'Student Note" in the title. Have fun reading.
PA 577-077
Spring, 2008
Class No. Assignment
Sessions 01 and 02 Development and Real Estate Overview
01-23 syllabus read-through; why cities exist; how Chicago came to look as it
does; changes in processes and politics; some Chicago history is provided
in readings; growth machine and entertainment machine
01-28 distinguish growth, development, and innovation; define competitiveness;
some big ideas about development in the US;
Why governments like real estate; real estate as a focal point of public policy issues and private plans; why real estate is so burdened with paperwork; private property rights; regulating and taking; history of planning; planning theory; cleavages between theory and practice (people vs. place prosperity, plans vs. money, class divisions, how meaning is made in development); economic view of the world and the biologic view of the world (individuals vs. systems, growth vs. evolution)
Required Reading:
Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations, Chapter 1, The Need for a New Paradigm.
Student note- why is a new paradigm suggested by Porter?
Terry Nichols Clark and Richard Lloyd, The City as an Entertainment Machine. Draft prepared for annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, 2000. Research report #454. Skim this article.
Terry Nichols Clark, editor. Trees and Real Violins: Building Post Industrial Chicago. Summary as prepared by wdm. Skim this article.
Optional Reading:
Metropolitan Decentralization in Chicago. Chicago Case Study Working Group, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois. July, 2001.
Manufacturing Industrial Decline: The Politics of Economic Change in
Chicago, 1955-1998. Joel Rast. Journal of Urban Affairs, 23:2,
(2001) pages 175-190.
Sessions 3, 4, 5, and 6 Real Estate Definitions, Concepts, Law, and Markets
01-30 Short Quiz #1; Definitions- real estate; improvements; title; bundle
of rights; fee simple; tenant; mortgage; note; others
02-04 Processes- surveys, subdivision, recording, easements; eminent domain
02-06 Appraisal, condominium, cooperative; review of documents
02-11 Short Quiz #2; Property taxes, markets, and local knowledge
Required Reading:
(Handout) - Bankability Glossary (Community Development Research Center, New School for Social Research, New York, no date)
(Handout) - Glossary of Words and Terms Relating to Real Estate
(Handout) - some real estate documents - we will discuss in class
notes on condominiums and cooperatives
Brief articles on Illinois and Cook County Property Tax System
A brief note on property appraisal by the county for property taxes- wdm
Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital- Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else- Chapter 1, The Five Mysteries of Capital, @ NOTE: this article is also available in Chinese. You should read this article.
Optional Reading:
Press Release - The Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize
in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel The Royal Swedish Academy Of Sciences, 15 October 1991 @
The item above is a description of the work by Ronald Coase that led to the Nobel Prize in Economics. Coase's work showed that transactions costs are not negligible, which leads to businesses deciding what work will be done within the company and which work will be done outside.
Robert Maurer and Anne Paugam. "Reform Toward Ad Valorem Property Tax in Transition Economies: Fiscal and Land Use Benefits," World Bank Land and Real Estate Initiative, Number 13 (Background Series), June, 2000, @
Felicity Barringer. Property Rights Law May Alter Oregon Landscape, New York Times, November 26, 2004, @
Commercial Real Estate and Construction Lending- Comptroller's Handbook. Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks, 1998. Note- this is an reading, for those of you interested in how the US government regulators look at commercial lending for real estate.
The Historical Evolution of State and Local Tax Systems. Edward Howe and Donald Reeb. Unpublished.
Alternative Perspectives on Property Taxation. Joan Youngman. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Unpublished, available online.
Program on the People's Republic of China. This is a portion of the Lincoln Institute web site that describes their work in China.
An Analysis of the Graded Property Tax. Robert Schwab and Amy Rehder Harris. October, 1997.
Preferential Property Tax Treatment of Land. Jane Malme. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 1993. Unpublished, available online.
The Impact of Urban Land Taxation- The Pittsburgh Experience. Wallace Oates and Robert Schwab, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. November, 1996. Unpublished, available online.
Session 07, 08, and 09 Real Estate Pro Formas, Financing, and Bonds
02-13 Short Quiz #3; Capitalization rate; mortgages and collateral; time
stream of income flows
02-18 What is a building worth? How do we decide on a price? Cash flow,
interest rates, discounted cash flow. Income producing properties and
development businesses (condominiums)
02-20 Government bonds for financing
Required Reading:
Real Estate Finance Textbook. National Development Council, 1990. Chapters 1-4 and 6. This will be handed out in class. Read this.
Bond Financing Notes
Small Business Start-Up Information. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, @
Pekin, Illinois, Water Works articles, 1st one @
Optional Reading:
Financial Intermediation. Gary Gorton and Andrew Winton. Warton Financial Institutions Center, University of Pennsylvania. March 1, 2002.
Paul Seidenstat. Organizing Water and Wastewater Industries to Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal. 8,2 (2003), pages 69-99, @
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels (Press Release) Hotel Online Special Report:
Convention Center Financing - Public Entities / Private Entities -Who Should
Take the Risk? @
Powerful Reason for Choosing Public Power. Area Development Online, December 2003, @
Competitive Era Fails to Shrink Electric Bills. David Cay Johnston. New York Times, October 15, 2006.
Measuring Local Government Credit Risk and Improving Creditworthiness. George E. Petersen. The World Bank. March, 1998.
Mobilizing Domestic Capital Markets for Infrastructure Financing: International Experience and Lessons for China. Anjali Kumar, et. al. World Bank Discussion Paper No. 377, September,1997.
Fiscal Federalism and Economic Reform in China. Roy Bahl and Jorge Martinez-Vasquez. International Studies Program, Working Paper 03-13, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. May, 2003.
The System of Equalization Transfers in China. Jorge Martinez-Vasquez and Zhihua Zhang. International Studies Program, Working Paper 03-12, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. July, 2003.
Sessions 10, 11, and 12 The Concept of Economic Development
02-25 Short Quiz #4; Definitions of economic growth, development, and
innovation; some history and current theories of national
development, from Solow to Romer.
02-27 The Porter model of national competitive advantage - the diamond
03-03 US federal agencies involved in development- HUD, EDA, SBA.
There is a lot of reading here, and I know you probably cannot do it all. Skim what you can. The Porter diamond is on page 127 of my text.
Required Reading:
Porter, Competitive Advantage of Nations, Chapter 3- Determinants of National Competitive Advantage. (pp 69-130)
Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 16 in Economic Development, by Michael P. Todaro and
Stephen C. Smith. 8th Edition. New York: Addison Wesley, 2003. Read chapters 3, 4, 5 and 16 at your leisure. This book is a widely used regional and international development text. You will find many chapters in this book of interest to you. A copy is available from me.
Definitions of Economic Development on the Web
Economic and Cultural Requirements for Markets to Operate Efficiently. From Economic Development, Todaro and Smith (8th edition, 2003, pages 698-700)
Summary of Notable Federal Business and Economic Development Programs and Initiatives. Northeast-Midwest Institute, 2006
Optional Reading:
New Growth Theory, Technology, and Learning: A Practitioner's Guide. Joseph
Cortright. Reviews of Economic Development Literature and Practice, No. 4.
Matt Kane, Public Sector Economic Development: Concepts and Approaches, Northeast-Midwest Institute, November, 2004. @
The Effects of State and Local Public Policies on Economic Development: An
Overview. Katherine Bradbury, Yolanda Kodrzycki, and Robert Tannenwald.
New England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, March-April,
The Effects of State and Local Public Services on Economic Development.
Ronald Fisher. New England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
March-April, 1997.
State Regulatory Policy and Economic Development. Robert Tannenwald. New
England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, March-April,
Taxation and Economic Development: State of the Literature. Michael
Wasylenko. New England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, March-April, 1997.
Tax and Spending Incentives and Enterprize Zones. Peter Fisher and Alan Peters. New England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, March-April, 1997.
Policy Implications: A Panel Discussion. Moderated by Patricia Flynn. New
England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, March-April,
Agency Description, Department of Housing and Urban Development. Federal
Government Manual. This is a good description of HUD Program Areas.
Programs of HUD. Major Mortgage, Grant, Assistance, and Regulatory Programs.
2005. This is a long document, but thorough.
Frequently Asked Questions, US Small Business Administration. Contains
clickable directions to specific programs of the SBA.
SBA Technical Assistance, Financial Assistance, Contracting Assistance, and
Disaster Recovery Assistance. Clickable.
Programs of the Economic Development Administration. US Department of
Commerce, Economic Development Administration. January, 1999.
Sessions 13, 14, and 15 Local Economic Development and Tax Increment Financing
03-05 Dealing with community groups and neighborhood issues; who represents
the community; organizational structures and boards of directors; concept
of turf and public involvement; community based and welfare based.
Examples of good and bad ways of involving groups in project definition
and evaluation (CTA Howard Street El Station, Park District Lincoln Park Plan,
etc.) Public participation models- ward congress, informal neighborhood
group approvals; parking, on and off street; what happens when people can't
pay their taxes?; abandoned properties and government rights and duties;
how interests of government, community, and developer are similar and
03-10 local government actions; people prosperity and place prosperity; dealing
with an exogenous world; principal-agent theory; ICNC
03-12 Short Quiz #5; Tax Increment Financing
Required Reading:
Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Chapter 10- The Competitive Development of National Economies (pp 543-573). Please note that this chapter does not have much bearing on the topic of local economic development and TIF.
Community Economic Development in the US- Some Notes. William D. Markle, August, 2005 (unpublished). Read this.
Optional Reading:
Timothy Bartik. Local Economic Development Policies. Upjohn Institute Staff Working Paper No. 03-91. January 2003. @
Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson. "Hayek and Cities: Guidelines for Regional Scientists." University of Southern California, April 1999,
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 9
Bill Steigerwald, Death by Wrecking Ball- Pittsburg and the Politics of Eminent Domain. Reason Magazine, June 2000, @
Tax Increment Financing. A Civic Federation Issue Brief. November 12, 2007
Edward L. Glaeser. "Why Economists Still Like Cities," in City Journal, Spring
1996, Vol. 6, No. 2, @
Edward Glaeser. "Public Ownership in the American City." Harvard Institute of Economic Research, Discussion Paper 1930. October, 2001. @
William J. Stern. "The Unexpected Lessons of Times Square's Comeback." City Journal, IX, 4 (Autumn, 1999), @
(no author cited). "Key Principles: A Discussion of the Programs' Guiding Principles." US Department of Housing and Urban Development." also the subsequent material on Empowerment Zones and related programs. US Department of Housing and Urban Development, @
Goldhirsh Group, Inc. "Going Underground- Opportunity In the Shadow Economy." Part 2 of article. May, 1994. Web site presence no longer available.
Howard Husock. " Enterprising Van Drivers Collide With Regulation." City Journal, VI, 1 (Winter, 1996). @
Samuel R. Staley, Howard Husock, David J. Bobb, H. Sterling Burnett,
Laura Creasy, and Wade Hudson. "Giving a Leg Up to Bootstrap Entrepreneurship: Expanding Economic Opportunity in America's Urban Centers." Reason Public Policy Institute Policy Study No. 277, February 2001, @
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 10
Please note: Bus tour on Friday, March 7. Theme is industrial development in Chicago the past and future. This is a tour of the south side of Chicago and one or two incubator projects.
No class March 17-22. Note- St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. Check schedules for downtown parade.
Session 16 Midterm Exam
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 11
Sessions 17, 18, and 19 Economic Geography and Regional Development
03-26 A little location theory to go along with the policy.
03-31 There are few regional economic development efforts in the US. Groups of
counties may cooperate on projects or programs; sometimes states
cooperate with each other; there are a few organizations, like the TVA,
that are multi-state that have economic development as a top priority.
04-02 Short Quiz #6; why economic geography doesn’t tell us much about
business development
Required Reading:
Chapters 18, 19, and 20 in Regional Economic Development in the European Union and North America, by Morris L. Sweet. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1999. This is a very nice summary of US programs and is worth reading.
Rethinking Federal Policy for Regional Economic Development. Mark Drabenscott. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Economic Review, First Quarter 2006.
Who Really Makes the iPod? Hal R. Varian. New York Times, June 28, 2007.
Optional Reading:
Please look at (don't read in detail) some of the following articles or reports-
From Regional Development to Local Development: On the Life, Death, and Rebirth(?) of Regional Science as a Policy Relevant Science. Mario Polese. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, XXIII, 3 (1999) @
State Strategies for the New Economy. National Governors' Association, 2000.
The Political Economy of Gubernatorial Smokestack Chasing: Bad Policy and Bad Politics? Robert Turner, 2003. (unpublished).
Regional Economic Development in the United States. Janis Purdy.
Presentation to the Joint Conference on Regionalism Below the State-Level
in Germany and the United States, Speyer, Germany, March 31 - April 2, 1998.
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 12
Greg LeRoy, "Eight Concrete Ways to Curtail the Economic War Among the States" Prepared for "Reigning in the Competition for Capital," Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 27-28, 2004. @
Peter Fisher, "The Fiscal Consequences of the Competition for Capital." Prepared for "Reigning in the Competition for Capital," Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 27-28, 2004. @
Urban and Regional Development Process
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) description from Federal Government Manual
The Illinois Jobs through Competitiveness Act (EDGE Program) June,
1999, @
State of Illinois Enterprise Zone Program, @
I-Street archive readings (three) i-Street, @
An Energy Plan for the Great Lakes. Dick Munson, Northeast-Midwest Institute, September, 2005, @
Trade Patterns and the Economy of the Northern Great Plains: A Baseline Report, Northeast-Midwest Institute, July, 2001.
An Overview of Transportation Infrastructure and Services in the Northern Great Plains.
The Northeast-Midwest Institute, July 2000.
Please note: Bus tour on Friday, March 28. Real estate projects and the Rogers Park Community Council, a non-profit community organization that is also a social service agency for the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago.
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 13
Sessions 20, 21, 22 and 23 Industrial Development
04-07 US trade policy, science policy, subsidies to industry at federal, state, and
local levels - smokestack chasing and extortion; MEP
04-09 Science and tech parks, CRADA
04-14 Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC)
04-16 Discussion of the Porter chapter
Required Reading:
Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Chapter 12- Government Policy (pp 617-682)
Industrial Development Policy in the US- Some Notes. William D. Markle, 2006.
Optional Reading:
Industrial and Regional Clusters: Concepts and Comparative Applications. (Chapter 2)
Edward M. Bergman and Edward J. Feser. Web Book of Regional Science, @
Cluster-based Economic Development, Part 2: An Overview of Growth Theories and Concepts. Krishna M. Akundi. Texas Economic Development Business and Industry Data Center. (undated, probably 2000)
A Governor's Guide to Cluster Based Economic Development. National Governor's Association, 2002.
Trends in Rural Manufacturing. Chad Wilkerson. The Main Street Economist. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, December, 2001.
Regional Differences in the Competitive Characteristics of US Machine Tool Companies. Ronald Kalafsky and Alan Macpherson. Growth and Change (33:3) Summer, 2002.
Seed and Venture Capital- State Experiences and Options (May, 2006) National Association of Seed and Venture Funds
SBA Size Standards
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 14
Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program- Frequently Asked Questions
Small Business Financing Sources - notes
Some notes on small business incubators, from the National Business Incubation Association
David Hearn, Deborah Markley, and Kevin McNamara. "Local Jobs and Income Growth: The Decatur Industry and Technology Center Impacts." Purdue University, Center for Rural Development, October, 1994.
A National Benchmarking Analysis of Technology Business Incubator Performance and Practices. National Business Incubation Association. September 30, 2002.
Sessions 24 and 25 Rural Development
04-21 Short Quiz #7; How do federal and state governments support
infrastructure, housing, social services, and economic development in rural
04-23 How does the federal government support farms and ranches?
Required Reading:
Federalism, Farm Policy, and Rural Economic Development. William D. Markle (2006) Read this as best you can. Some of the farm policy programs will probably be unintelligible to you (as they are to most Americans).
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 15
Sessions 26 and 27 Globalism and the Information Revolution
04-28 The US is a mixture of free market and controlled market philosophy.
04-30 Development, both public and private, is affected by federal government
policies, tax policies, macroeconomic policies, and trade policies as well as
by local conditions. There are underlying conditions (location, location,
location!) that, over time, can dwarf the ebb and flow of politics and policy.
Chicago has been the beneficiary of politics and policy, the butt of policy,
and now seems the beneficiary again. Most planning efforts seem like
icing on the cake, or worse, rearranging the deck chairs.
Global investment requires global thinking. Understanding of current
thinking about global development is necessary for sound regional and even
municipal planning. But "globalism" is not all good, and not even all that
well understood. Some perspectives are provided in the readings.
changing technologies, lock-in, increasing returns to scale
Required Reading: Porter, Chapter 13 - National Agendas skim this
Optional Reading:
Read these articles at your leisure. They will be of interest to you in thinking about the future of cities. For these course sessions, try to read some of what follows-
Readings: Peter Eisinger and Charles Smith. "Globalization and Metropolitan Well-Being in the United States." A paper prepared for presentation at the meetings of the International Sociology Association, Montreal, July 26-August 1, 1998, @
Robert Batterson and Murray Wiedenbaum. The Pros and Cons of Globalization. Center for the Study of American Business, Washington University in St. Louis. January, 2001.
Amartya Sen. "How to Judge Globalism." The American Prospect, 13-1 (January 1, 2002), @
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 16
Joseph E. Stiglitz. Review- A Fair Deal for the World. The New York Review of Books, May 23, 2002, @
George Reisman. "Defending Capitalism Against a Capitalist." The Free Radical, 27, October/November 1997, @
Joseph Stiglitz. "Thanks for Nothing." in The Atlantic Monthly, October 2001, @
Timothy Taylor. "The Truth about Globalization." The Public Interest, rr-rr, Spring, 2002, @
Thomas P. Rohlen. Cosmopolitan Cities and Nation States: Open Economies, Urban Dynamics, and Government in East Asia. Asia Pacific Research Center, Februrary, 2003, @
Ronald J. Sider. "Escaping Global Poverty." Review of Development as Freedom. By Amartya Sen (Knopf), in First Things 109 (January 2001): 45-48, @
Peter F. Drucker. "Beyond the Information Revolution." in the Atlantic Magazine, October 1999, @
Building the Microeconomic Foundations of Prosperity: Findings from the
Business Competitiveness Index. Michael E. Porter. Chapter 12 of
Global Competitiveness Report, 2006-2007. World Economic Forum, @,
(no author cited) Part Two: Strategic Implications of Electronic Commerce for Business Management (CIAO Conference Proceedings) CIAO DATE: 11/99 (The Global Advance of Electronic Commerce- Communications and Society Program, August 1997, The Aspen Institute) @
James Fallows. "What is an Economy For?" in the Atlantic Magazine, January, 1994, @
Jacqueline Kasun. "Doomsday Every Day: Sustainable Economics, Sustainable Tyranny." Independent Review, IV, 1, Summer 1999. @
Urban and Regional Development Process Page 17
Deepak Lal. "Does Modernization Require Westernization?" Independent Review, V, 1, Summer, 2000. @
Globalization and Political Conflict: The Long Term Prognosis. Lloyd Gruber and Brian Gaines. American Political Science Association 2001 Annual Meeting. August 30-September 2, 2001.
Goodbye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion? Dani Rodrik, Harvard University, January, 2006.
Session 28
05-05 Catching Up and Summation
Session 29
05-07 Paper Presentations
05-10 or 12 Final Exam check schedule
Urban and Regional Development Syllabus
PA 577-077
The Urban Development Process
Following are some suggestions for paper topics. Suggestions are based on 18, 12, and 6 page requirements.
I am looking for you to review the source material in your paper, but provide some of your own experience (especially with regard to China) or your own interpretation of the recommendations or the policies proposed. In other words, I do not want to know just what is in the resource (book or article) but also what your ideas are. Your ideas are as important, or more important, than those of the authors of the papers. Your papers will be presented to the rest of the class near the end of the course. Each of you will take about 5 to 7 minutes. Tell your fellow students what they need to know about the source material as well as your own view.
A. Some Sample Paper Topics- Not Directly from Course Readings. You should use internet resources, local newspapers, or interviews with local officials for this paper. Such a topic would be suitable for a twelve or eighteen page paper.
01. Zoning in Illinois- Current Legislation and Case Law
02. Zoning in Chicago- Varieties of Land Use Controls
03. When are Planned Manufacturing Districts Going to be Ruled as Takings?
04. Chicago Building Department- Interviews
05. Chicago Planning and Development Department - Interviews
08. Getting A Building Permit in Chicago - Stories and Interviews
09. Regional Planning in Chicago - Interviews and Plans
10. The Chicago Building Commission and Illinois Capital Development Board
11. UIC Expansion- Process and Politics
12. Pilsen - NIMBY's vs. Outside Agitators
13. Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Payment Bonds- who, what, why, when, how much?
14. Real Estate Management for Public Facilities
Urban and Regional Development Syllabus, 16/19
B. Some Sample Paper Topics - Reviews of books and articles from the syllabus, and a few articles not from the syllabus. Suitable for a twelve or eighteen page paper.
In a book review, I want to know something about what is in the book, but also your evaluation of the ideas in the book. Do the ideas make sense from a Chinese perspective? Are there changes in the economy that will make the ideas in the book less, or more, valid? Where is the author wrong in assumptions or conclusions or analysis?
01. Jane Jacobs The Economy of Cities Vintage Books, 1970 There certainly are newer editions in paperback.
This is one of the Jane Jacobs classic works, describing how development takes place at a fundamental level. Draws the distinction between development and growth. Jane is much admired by American urban planners and urban theorists, but is not widely quoted in the academic literature because she is not herself an academic and she has challenged much of the once prevalent academic thinking about economic growth and development. On the other hand, much recent "world cities" literature is fundamentally based on her worldview, although the researchers in that field would probably deny it.
02. Jane Jacobs Systems of Survival New York: Vintage Book, 1994
Drawing on Plato's categorization of the ideal society into (broadly) a merchant class, a warrior class, and a ruling class, Jane describes how trader and guardian morality prescribe different actions, all of which are considered morally good from within the respective paradigm. This is a very useful book for those concerned about separation of government and private roles in the economy.
. This topic was selected last year by Chen Yanqin from Zhejiang. You may use her paper as a resource if you select this topic.)
03. Downs, Anthony New Visions for Metropolitan America Brookings Institution, Washington DC (1994) ISBN 0-8157-1925-6 (paperback)
Presumes reader knows of the American "urban crisis," particularly as defined by wealth differentials between city and suburb and transportation and environmental costs of sprawl. Provides some suggestions for future American urban and regional development. Downs is a much respected urban scholar.
04 Drier, Peter, Mollenkopf, John, and Todd Swanstrom Place Matters University Press of Kansas (2001) ISBN0-7006-1135-5 (paperback)
In an era in which place is said to matter less and less, Drier makes the point that for many Americans, place still matters a great deal, particularly if they do not have options to relocate. Makes some of the same regionalization arguments as Downs, but from a social policy perspective rather than a public cost perspective. Note: See review by Bill Pitkin in Critical Planning, Summer, 2002 (see me for copy)
This book was selected by some students from two years ago.
Urban and Regional Development Syllabus
05. Frederick Hayek, Road to Serfdom (this is a classic libertarian warning against planning, written in the 1940ís for consideration by policy makers in England. Hayekís view does not preclude government involvement in the economy, but it will provide a nice alternative viewpoint. )
06. Harrison and Huntington, editors, Culture Matters (this book makes the argument that culture does matter in economic development. This book was also reviewed two years ago. )
07. article from syllabus- Giving a Leg Up to Bootstrap Entrepreneurs (from sessions 5/6 of syllabus)
08. articles on Israeli and German land use law (see me to e-mail articles)
Land Use Law in the Face of a Rapid Growth Crisis: The Case of Mass Immigration to Israel in the 1990s, and Urban Planning: It's Time for a Foreign Concept to Hit Home in the U.S.
09. article on Chinese Insurance market- China Insurance Market Review (see me to e-mail article)
10. Legal Articles in Association with Chinese Real Property Law (see me to e-mail articles)
11. Terry Nichols Clark, Trees and Real Violins in the Post-Industrial City (article discussed changes over time in political culture in Chicago, as discussed briefly in class)
12. articles from journal Planning and Markets (how to use markets to better conduct urban planning- see me to e-mail articles)
Market-Oriented Land-Use Planning: A Conceptual Note, and
Market-Oriented Planning: Principles and Tools for the 21st Century
13. Chicago Climate Exchange articles (articles on the Chicago Climate Exchange, a new market in carbon dioxide emissions allowances- see me to e-mail articles)
The following resources may be used as source material for a 12 page paper-
articles from syllabus that are labeled ""-
14. Glaeser: Future of Urban Research: Non-Market Interactions, and
Glaeser: Why Economists Still Like Cities (from sessions 5/6 of syllabus)
15. Glaeser: Benefits of the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction (from session 7/ 8 of syllabus)
16. More than Bricks and Sticks- Five Components of CDC Capacity (from session 7/8 of syllabus)
17. Evolution of Low Income Housing Policy (from session 7/8 of syllabus)
18. Illinois Assisted Housing Research and Action Project (from session 5 of syllabus)
Urban and Regional Development Syllabus
19. Going Underground- Opportunity in the Shadow Economy, and
Enterprising Van Drivers Collide With Regulation (from sessions 5/6 of syllabus)
other articles, not from syllabus-
20. TECHNICAL NOTE: Planning by Markets (Geonomics), and
The Costs and Benefits of Fragmented Metropolitan Governance and the New Regionalist Policies (see me to e-mail articles)
The following resources may be used as source material for a 6 page paper-
21. The Place Without Roads (article on roads through Siberia in Russia-from Harper's Magazine- see me for copy of article)
22. Libertarian Critique of Labor Unions- see me for copy of article
23. Complexity: An Appropriate Framework for Development? and
Implications of Adopting A Complexity Framework for Development (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
24. Cities, Regions, and the Decline of Transport Costs (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
25. Globalization and Metropolitan Well-Being in the United States (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
26. Joseph Stiglitz, Globalism's Discontents (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
27. Peter F. Drucker, Beyond the Information Revolution (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
28. Part Two: Strategic Implications of Electronic Commerce for Business
Management (from sessions 12/13 of syllabus)
Urban and Regional Development Syllabus
You may also review three chapters (other than those we have discussed in class) in the book Economic Development, by Michael Todaro and Stephen C. Smith, 8th edition (Addison Wesley, 2003). This would be suitable for an 18 page paper. See me for the table of contents of the book so you can review possible chapters.
You may also review chapters in the book Regional Economic Development in the European Union and North America, by Morris L. Sweet (Praeger Publishers, Westport, CN, 1999). See me for details. Suitable for an 18 page paper.
Other topics are, of course, acceptable. Please see me in any case before selecting a paper topic.
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